Who’s hedging bets on Elon and Zuck? Not me.

Let me tell you a very quick story.


Three very quick stories.

Story #1

I recently guested on a podcast with someone who found me on Threads.

She wanted to chat about email marketing.

In the course of our lovely conversation, I learned that her Instagram account recently got temporarily shut down for a very harmless comment.

She has 54k Instagram followers.


Gone in an instant. (It came back after a week or so)

Story #2

There's a guy I know on Twitter/X.

He built an 8k following there and lost it.


First time, permanently. Second time, for 6 months.

Story #3

A good friend of mine built 180k followers on Instagram over 2-3 years.

Someone pulled a crazy, not nice "black hat takedown" tactic on his account.

He had to go private, lost all of his past analytics, nuked his reach, and his once thriving Instagram account never recovered.

You know what sucks about all 3 of these?

When this kind of stuff happens on social media...

You are powerless.

You have zero control.

Social media is a wonderful place, but it's rented real estate.

You see...

Nobody ever thinks it'll be them.

And that's why I ALWAYS tell online brand builders:

Don't wait til you've grown on social media to start your email list.

Grow them at the same time.

Idk about you but...

I'm not willing to bet my business, my future, my time, or my income on Elon and Zuck.

That's why I'm so bullish on email marketing.

  • You aren't at the mercy of an algorithm.

  • You can build stronger relationships.

  • You have direct access to people.

  • You can make direct offers.

But I don't need to tell you this — you know it. You wouldn't be here right now reading this if that weren't the case.

So just consider this a reminder:

Start "deplatforming" your social followers onto a place you own (ahem...your email list).

Or else...

You could be the 4th story in my next email.

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