How to fill your email list with actual LEADS (not just freebie-seekers).
If you’re ready to build a lead magnet that actually drives your business forward, join this FREE 3-day challenge that walks you step-by-step through my proven process.
Cheap lead magnets attract cheap subscribers…you deserve better.
Most lead magnets are a complete waste of time.
If the content you spend hours making doesn’t align with your business model and LEAD your ideal clients to your offer, it’s just, well, more content. It’s cheap content.
And cheap content attracts tire-kickers. Nickel and dimers. People who will never spend a penny with you.
And who time for content that doesn’t move the needle?
Join this challenge…
In 3 day’s time, I’ll walk you step-by-step through building your own lead magnet — that’s actually an asset for your business.
A 3-day email + video course:
DAY ONE: Reverse-engineer your offering
DAY TWO: Choose the perfect lead magnet type
DAY THREE: Give it an irresistible name (and get it out there!)
Lead magnets are very much alive.
If your lead magnet just solves a problem…congratulations, you’ve helped someone with your content.
But if your lead magnet shows off your authority, ties in with your offering, AND qualifies your ideal customers…well, my friend you’ve got a true ASSET.
I was taught the same thing as you:
To make lead magnets that ‘solve a problem’ for people.
But I’ve since learned that this guidance, while correct, is incomplete. (If you want to get leads, at least)
See, cheap content may net you some subscribers, but without the right journey — those subscribers will never become customers. They’ll just bloat your list, run up your email marketing bill, and frustrate the living hell out of you.
Since 2023, my clients report:
• Closed 4-figure deals
• Sold hundreds of products
• Gained thousands of subscribers
From people who downloaded their lead magnets.
Trust me, these things still work (if you do them right).
So I’d like to invite you to this challenge
It’s totally free.
But it will require you to roll up your sleeves and think a bit.
If you’re up for that, I’ll ask you to join here, and carve out 30 minutes the next few days.
Getting this asset completed is like having a 24/7 sales team.