Email Marketing Consulting
If you want to get more revenue from your email marketing in 2025 (copywriting, campaigns, automations, etc), book a Personal Workshop with me.
→ Get clear on what you do & don’t need
→ Stop leaving easy revenue on the table
→ No more second-guessing your campaigns
→ Improve your copywriting for more conversions
Frequently Asked Questions
My clients come to me because they want to earn more OR create more time freedom with email marketing — but they’re stuck and second guessing themselves.
Often, we use our time together to outline a sequence, plan a launch strategy, or review/discuss copywriting.
This time is yours though, and we can use it to solve the problem that is most pressing to you right now.
My sweet spot is working with other solo entrepreneurs (because I am one 😊). Think “coaches, consultants, or course creators".”
But in the past 10 years, I’ve also worked with:
B2B companies
e-commerce brands
SaaS companies
and more
And in the past 2 years (since I really started measuring), I’ve helped my clients generate over $500k from their email marketing.
No matter your industry or niche, I’m sure we can solve your problem.
Yes. If you feel that your copy is keeping you from converting better, we can absolutely review your emails together.
I can’t always answer this with absolute certainty BUT we will be efficient with our time and cut straight through the noise to the heart of the problem. An hour gives us plenty of time to sink our teeth into it so you walk away with action items for a solution.
A 1-hour Personal Workshop costs $400.
My goal in every PW is to help you make more money.
Like any good marketing endeavor, a Personal Workshop is an investment that yields return back to you many times over time.
I do!
Let’s start with a Personal Workshop first, and if you find it very helpful, we can discuss what a weekly arrangement would look like.
There’s not much for you to do ahead of time.
The only things I ask are this:
1) Be prepared with the 1 or 2 specific things you want to accomplish during our time together
2) Come to the call with easy access to anything you’d like to discuss together
Reserve your Personal Workshop HERE