The 8 emails that could increase
your sales by 34X in 2024…

Read on for everything you need to
get them up and running
in the next 24 hours.

Dear solo business owner,

If you want to increase your revenue this year without increasing your time spent “selling”, I have good news for you:

You can.

Year after year, email marketing continues to be a top channel for customer acquisition among entrepreneurs.

In 2022, the ROI on email marketing was $36 earned for every $1 spent.

Astounding when you compare that to the ROI of social media marketing ($2.80 per $1).

And the single most valuable — yet misunderstood and overlooked — piece of your email marketing is the welcome sequence.

Here’s why I say that:

  • One of my clients got a 34x improvement in conversions and made more than $10,000 on autopilot from optimizing her welcome sequence funnel.

  • Another client closed a $4,000 coaching client from her automated welcome sequence on just the 17th subscriber to opt in.

Unfortunately, though, it’s nearly impossible to find anything helpful on the internet about how to build a converting automated welcome sequence.

Trust me, I’ve searched and searched myself.

Most articles on a Google search yield generic, hard-to-implement information like this:

The internet is chock full of generic (and frankly…useless) advice like this that doesn’t actually help solo entrepreneurs like us move the needle.

And to make things even MORE complicated…

Folks on social media be like:

“Just send more emails!”

“Sell in every email!”

“Give more discounts!”

But who has the time to send a marketing email every single day?

I don’t.

And hard-selling all the time is not how trusted leaders build healthy relationships with their audience, either.

So what gives?

How are you supposed to get more out of your email marketing WITHOUT resorting to silly “clickfunnel-type'“ gimmicks or bombarding people with offer after offer after offer?

Today, I invite you to take advantage of the 8-email welcome system that will help you attract, nurture, and convert new customers on autopilot — and you can potentially have it up and running in the next 24 hours.

But before I do that…

Let me explain the potential that email can bring you in 2024 and why the system I’m going to give you right here on this page is the best (and easiest) way to capitalize on it.

Email is still the best bang for your buck…

And this is the smartest place to start.

You’ve probably heard about the ROI on email marketing for years.

Study after study confirms that it’s true…email marketing still delivers ridiculous ROI — even in 2024.

And outside of “yesterday”, or maybe 1997, there’s never been a more important time to leverage the direct and personal approach of the inbox.

Because in the next 3 years, millions of people will enter the market, in desperate need of the transformation you can offer them.

Millions more course creators are coming —

this is your ticket to get in front of them before everyone else does.

Several recent studies predict that the “Creator Economy” will double in size by 2027.

Each day, thousands of new entrepreneurs are already flooding into the market — in search of their own digital freedom.

This is good news for you.

Because each day, more and more people enter the market in need of the transformation that YOUR product, course, or service can offer.

And the best way to get your offer in front of them?

The inbox.

We’re obsessed with our inboxes.

  • 84% of consumers check their email at least once per day (I check mine 20+).

  • And more than half (58%) check email before they even roll out of bed!

So if we love our inboxes so much, it would seem that the formula is easy —

“just send more emails, man.”

But we both know it ain’t that simple.

Trust is the currency of business…

But it’s reached an all-time low.

If you’ve ever wondered why people don’t buy from your marketing emails, here’s a clue:

It’s because brands before you have traded trust for tactics.

Instead of treating readers like humans, big brands have relegated us to “data”, “conversions”, and “walking money bags.”

Don’t get me wrong, we love to spend money…

But the way to a customer’s heart isn’t by tricking them or beating them over the head.

This quote from one of my favorite marketers, Katelyn Bourgoin, lives rent-free in my brain:

“Trust is the currency of business.”

It means we don’t buy things unless we completely trust WHO we’re buying from.

The first time I saw this post, I really understood why we struggle to get people to buy from our emails.

It’s not because of the “wrong” tactics or strategies.

And it’s not because our copy skills aren’t good enough — none of my clients are world-class copywriters and many of them are now converting at high rates.

They’re coaches, consultants, and freelancers who believe that trust, empathy, and positioning are more important than any “tactic.”

That sounds strangely…human. Doesn’t it?

Now let me show you how you can do this, too.

The proven 8-email framework that helps you sell more on autopilotthe human way.

When an interested browser signs up for your email list it means they’re ready to buy, right?


It means they’re curious...but likely not ready to invest.

Marketers mistakenly think that a new subscriber has raised their hand and wants to be pitched.

But new subscribers hardly know you, and very few of them are ready to pull the trigger immediately.

Trust is never given freely, it must be earned.

Nail these four trust-building elements:

  • Generosity

  • Proof

  • Empathy

  • Positioning

 And you’ll have built a damn solid case for why you can be trusted — AND why your offer is the right one.

When I realized this, I incorporated more trust-building elements into my clients’ welcome sequences.

And wouldn’t you know it…

Those sequences started to earn more for my clients:

This brand’s welcome sequence got 7x more opt-ins and 5x more revenue than its previous one (in the same amount of time) by focusing more on the customer.

Tracy closed a $4,000 coaching client on the 17th person (!) who entered her new welcome sequence by leaning into education and empathy.

Sara’s funnel went from converting at 0.5% to 17% — a 34x boost. This made her $10,584 ARR on autopilot. It works so well because the logical leap from lead magnet to offering was a complete no-brainer.

I helped this client make a lead magnet and welcome sequence to point ideal clients to his consulting offer. Within the first month, he’d closed a $10,500 client directly from the sequence.

After his course launch, Matt wanted to sell his writing course on evergreen. A few months in, he’d earned more than £3.6k from the sequence – often getting sales while doing every day things.

Now…I’ve turned each of those trust-building elements into an 8-email framework, which I’ll reveal to you in a few seconds.

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room…

Will this work for you?

Fair question…I’d be asking the same thing in your shoes.

This system is made specifically for entrepreneurs who:

  • Have found Google to be USELESS for advice on email marketing

  • Don’t have weeks or months to WASTE second-guessing on marketing

  • DON’T want to build a business on sending awkward cold DMs

  • Have very little or NO success with your current welcome sequence

  • WANT to get leads or make sales on autopilot to create more freedom

  • CRINGE at sleazy marketing tactics and gimmicks

  • May currently STRUGGLE to monetize your online audience

  • WANT to be perceived as a trusted leader by your audience

ACTUAL, real-life users of The Creator’s Welcome System

Finally…a product that does what it says.

This isn’t just some 10-hour info-course about welcome sequences.

In fact, there are only 5 videos in the whole system (not counting the bonuses).

The real purpose of this system is to help you take action TODAY (literally, ASAP).

The Creator’s Welcome System comes complete with step-by-step instruction, templates, and real life examples — to help you start using it (and profiting from it) right away.

Now, without further ado…


The Creator’s Welcome System

An actionable, easy-to-use 8-email welcome sequence framework that’s proven to drive revenue on autopilot.

The 8 emails laid out in this framework are intentionally designed to earn the trust of your readers, position you as a thought leader, and make your offering a complete no-brainer.

That’s how you get ROI, baby.

From “Where the heck do I even start? to done ‘n dusted in a matter of hours.

When you get access to this 8-email framework inside The Creator’s Welcome System, you’re getting waaay more than a few informational videos…

You’ll have everything you need to execute and implement this email framework:

  • Detailed notes and creative inspiration for each email

  • A guided template for each email, to make writing fast and easy

  • A real-life example of each email that I’ve personally written for a client

    Here’s a peek inside The Creator’s Welcome System:

The Creator’s Welcome System is the same exact welcome sequence-building framework that I’ve used with clients like Steve, Tracy, Kunal, Sara, and others who appear in this letter.

Only now…

I’ve turned that framework into a step-by-step, easy-to-use tool, so you can have the same system up and running in potentially the next 24 hours.

Here’s the real beauty of this autopilot email sequence:

As your audience grows, it works harder for you.

It attracts, nurtures, and converts on autopilot while you do other things for your business, bathe in the sun with a straw hat, or whatever the hell you wanna do more of.

Once it’s all set up, you get to focus on driving more people to it. Plain and simple.

What’s more…

If you set up a system like this now, you’re in perfect position to capitalize on the creator economy boom happening over the next 3 years.

Your special invitation

Since September 2022, I’ve focused primarily on one aspect of email marketing:

Lead Magnets and Welcome Sequences.

My freelance clients have paid me $2,500 or more to write sequences similar to the one shown here.

Today…you obviously won’t pay $2,500 for this system.

You won’t even pay 1/4 that for the Creator’s Welcome System.

This system, while not cheap, is priced so that you can potentially get an ROI from one single conversion.

And I haven’t even told you everything else that’s included yet…

SIX sweet bonuses to complete your lead magnet funnel


How to build a true lead generating asset


  • A great welcome sequence with a wimpy lead magnet will collect dust (instead of subscribers).

  • Walk through the exact process I’ve used to help clients create lead magnets that actually gather high quality leads and turn them into customers

  • This is the top of your funnel that attracts your ideal customers


Technical setup of your welcome sequence


  • The “tech scaries” of email marketing often holds people back from getting started.

  • I’ll walk you step-by-step through how to set up your entire funnel in ConvertKit

  • Even if you don’t use ConvertKit, you’ll find the principles similar to your platform


How to write email hooks that captivate your readers

  • Getting emails opened is easy these days. I want to help you get your emails READ.

  • Learn 5 ways to grab your reader’s attention in every email, so they’ll get sucked in to read every word.

  • Short training that includes example hooks.


Subject Line Training

  • How to get your emails opened AND READ

  • How to make your readers DIE to see what’s inside your email

  • Real life examples of effective/ineffective subject lines

!! NEW !! BONUS #5:

Post-Purchase Email Sequence: Training + Templates


$118 VALUE

  • How to create world-class experiences for your new customers

  • 90 minute group workshop recording

  • Templates for 3 types of offers: service, course, or community

!! NEW !! BONUS #6:

How to Get Your First 1,000 Email Subscribers

[ 90-min VIDEO TRAINING + custom workbook ]

$149 VALUE

  • How to grow your email list faster without spending a dollar on advetising

  • 90 minute group workshop recording

  • PLUS a 10 page workbook to help you implement

This entire proven system (plus 6 sweet bonuses) is yours for $499

The button here will take you to a checkout page.

After filling in a few details, you’ll get immediate access to the Creator’s Welcome System, so you can start working on those autopilot emails right away.

Join 284 other entrepreneurs using this system to get ROI with email marketing:

Almost forgot to introduce myself.

Freedom is a huge motivator behind The Creator’s Welcome System.

The ability to sell your product or service “hands-free” is the ticket to scaling your revenue without scaling your time.

If you believe in the ROI of email marketing but haven’t been quite sure where to start…

I can assure you this system is the smartest tool on the internet to help you create more freedom (and ROI) with your marketing.

Hey, I’m Jeff Felten.

I’ve been a freelance marketer since 2019. But long before that, I knew I wanted to work for myself.

On a personal AND professional level, freedom is the core driver of much of what I do.

Honestly, I like time away from work. And I don’t want to hustle/grind forever.

Freedom is one of the things that drove me into email marketing — specifically the freedom it allows the solo business operator.

Since 2023, I’ve personally helped solo entrepreneurs generate over $400,000 with email marketing.

But I remember when I first started — and there were zero helpful resources online about welcome sequences.

So I truly made this system to be what I wish I had 5 years ago.

You could be converting new customers this time next week.


I can’t promise that you’ll make insane amounts of money or get astronomical conversion rates. So I won’t.

But I can tell you that this has worked for me, my clients, and 280 others using this system.

You still have to take time to put everything I teach into practice.

If you do that, I CAN promise you:

  • It will be easier than ever to get ROI with marketing

  • New subscribers will know clearly what their next step is with you (and how to take it)

  • You’ll attract more of your ideal clients to your email list

  • You’ll get a lead magnet & welcome sequence up and running 10x faster

What’s more…

If you get this system today, your email marketing could look radically different by Monday.

I’m confident the system laid out on this page will be one of the smartest investments you’ve ever made in your business.

So come on board.

There’ll never be a better time to start your email marketing journey.

One more thing.

This is it.

I’ve shared everything you need to know about the system on this page — hell, you could take the knowledge right off this page and go make some money.

But if you did that, you’d miss out on the lessons, templates, and examples I’ve included to make it ridiculously easy.

I’ve spent hundreds of hours learning this stuff through real-life client implementation.

And in The Creator’s Welcome System, I’ve compiled it all together in such a simple way that it will save you even more time on the front end getting the system set up for yourself.

Considering it’s only $499, it’s a pretty smart investment.

ONE SINGLE CONVERSION with it could make your money back exponentially.

This course contains what I wish I had when I first started email marketing 5 years ago.

So if you don’t want to spend MONTHS or YEARS trying to figure it out on your own anymore, 

Join the other creative entrepreneurs inside.

Rooting for you 👊